Introducing Gambia Signature Script is a smooth handwritten font suitable perfectly for invitations, brand projects, logos, greeting cards, news, product packaging, posters blogs, everything including personal charm etc.
This font is alternates all lowercase,also have equipped with alternatives and international support for most western languages. and also 110+ ligatures unique and beautiful: aa,ab,ad,ah,ak,al,an,and,ant,bb,cc,nn,ss,rr,ee,mm,bb,oo,en,er,err,idd,ie,
itt,dl,end,ir,ir,irr,orr,ar,urr,pp,wh,ght,gt,ff,fi,fo,ott,nat,st,ia,est,att,th,dd,bb. etc Fonts included ( OTF & TTF ).
How to access all alternative characters :
If you need help or advice, please contact me by e-mail maximal.fonts@gmail.com Thanks so much for looking!