Introducing of our new product the name is Malenna Script font. inspired by signature and stylish handwriting, perfect for many different project such as logos & branding, invitation, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark
Introducing of our new product the name is Malenna Script font. inspired by signature and stylish handwriting, perfect for many different project such as logos & branding, invitation, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark
- Basic Latin A-Z and a-z
- Numbers
- Symbols
- Opentype Feature
- PUA Encode
- Easy Installation
What's Included :
- Malenna Script font OTF
- Malenna Script font TTF
Glyphs (include Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals & Punctuations, Stylistic Set, Ligature, Swashes) Works on PC & Mac Simple installations Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even works on Microsoft Word.
Thank you so much