Khayali is combinations from Khat Khoofi and Khat Naskh styles. from a combination of both I hope Khayali feels something new in your desingn.
Khayali very suitable for use in your design product like brand, magazines, business card, air plan informations, Flight Information, Stasion, Airport, signpost, Books, Cosmetic, logos, Poster, Web Template, Brosur, Display, ect
Khayali Support for Windows and Mac. and support for all your application system like PS, Ai, Id, Cdr, ect.
- Khayali (otf)
- Khayali (ttf)
- Default Language
- Arabic Language
Opentype Features:
- Standar Characters (Righ to Left)
- Standar Ligatures
- Numeral
- Sign Arabic Type (Fatha adn fathatain, kasra anda kasratain, damma and dammatain, sukun,tasydid/syadda.
How to type/write/access Arabic in Adobe Photoshop https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/arabic-hebrew.html
How to type/write/access Arabic in Adobe Illustrator https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/arabic-hebrew.html
I hope Khayali can make you easier for your work design. if you have any problem and question please sent mail to me mcjer.studio@gmail.com
have a nice day